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大米袋码垛机器人 四轴自由度水平旋转机械手码垛Rice bag palletizing robot Four-axis horizontal rotation
发布时间:2024-03-01 13:52:09 | 浏览次数:

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"大米袋码垛机器人 四轴自由度水平旋转机械手码垛"是一种工业自动化设备,主要用于粮食、饲料等行业的包装袋自动码垛作业。这种机器人通常具备四个自由度,意味着其机械手臂可以在空间中进行X、Y、Z三个直角坐标轴的平移以及一个绕自身轴线的旋转,这样的设计赋予了其足够的灵活性和精准性以完成复杂的抓取和码垛任务。


"Rice Bag Palletizing Robot Four-axis Degree of Freedom Horizontal Rotation Manipulator 

Palletizing" is an industrial automation equipment, which is mainly used for automatic 

palletizing of packaging bags in grain, feed and other industries. The robot typically has

 four degrees of freedom, which means that its robotic arm can translate the X, Y, and Z axes 

in space, as well as rotate around its own axis, giving it enough flexibility and precision to complete 

complex gripping and palletizing tasks.

Specific to the workflow, the robot accurately grabs the packaged rice bags on the assembly line through 

suction cups or other end effectors, and then stacks them neatly on the pallet according to the set program 

and layer requirements to achieve automatic palletizing. The four-axis horizontal rotation function enables

 it to flexibly adjust the angle according to the needs of the stacking type and adapt to different stacking 

layouts, which greatly improves the production efficiency and reduces the labor cost.

 上一篇:饲料码垛机器人 袋装饲料垛码机Feed Palletizing Robot Bag Feed Palletizing Machine
 下一篇:土豆筛选清洗包装码垛缠绕一体化设备Integrated equipment for potato screening, cleaning, packaging,




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